Survey - QC products and solutions for Infectious Disease testing.

We are requesting your help with a survey about Quality Control products and solutions for Infectious Disease testing.  In collaboration with a major provider of diagnostic products and solutions, we request your participation.  The information obtained will help in ongoing innovation and product development in the industry, and help to bring better products and services to market. As a collaborator in this effort, we even plan to share selected highlights of the survey results back with you as industry insights! 

And to make it even more exciting, ten (10) participants who complete the survey will be selected at random to receive their choice of a $100 Global Mastercard Prepaid reward, or a $100 Amazon Gift Card

Please take the time to share your opinions and needs before the survey closes.  The survey will take about fifteen minutes to complete. 

To access the survey, please click the link below:

Click Here to Start the Survey

If needed, copy and paste this full link into your web browser:

Thank you in advance for your participation!